Blog Post #4

In “Writing Addresses, Invokes, and/or Creates Audiences,” Andrea Lunsford talks about the relationship between writing and its audience. Andrea argues that understanding the potential of writing can change someones paper completely. teachers nowadays try to broaden the way they teach students how to write. They want them to explain what they’re effectively and make their paper easy to comprehend. Getting the audience to interact and talk about the writing is one of the biggest goals of writers. When the audience interacts with the reading it shows that they understand what is being talked about in the paper.

In the past papers that I have been assigned, the audience of my paper has never been said. For the longest time I was writing my papers to my teacher, as I presumed that he or she was my audience. Reading this article made me realize that I need to write my paper in a way that any audience can read it. I’ve learned an effective way to interact with the audience in a way that they comprehend what my paper is saying.

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