“Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development” By- Collin Brooke and Allison Carr

In the Reading “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development” By- Collin    Brooke and Allison Carr the writer explains that there has to be failure before there can be success.  No writers first draft is ever perfect, it is usually the worst. When you finish the first draft, you continue on revising and editing to make the final better than the draft. If you just turned in your first draft first, then you wouldn’t be able to learn from your first failure.

I chose this GIF to represent when you fail a test in school. In school some teachers if you failed a test would allow you to retake a test. So, in this case If I was the student I would learn from my first failure, study and practice and make sure that when I take my test again, I don’t Fail. In this case I learned like the authors explained from my failures.

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