Writing Is Not Natural

In this piece written by Dylan B. Dryer, he talks about an essential difference. This difference is how speech is natural in the sense that we have been speaking to each other for years. Our speech is complex loops and cognition. It is difficult to see the difference in socialization and language. Adults and children routinely write and they do so by combining symbols. Symbols can do lots of things, but they cannot record speech or thought in original forms. Others have to reactivate symbols into meaning. Children gradually stop drawing letters and start writing them as symbols for certain sounds. An example that was used is LOVE, and how it is a conventional symbol for sounds. Neither writing nor written language can be said to be “natural”. It is useful to remember that writing is not natural because writers judge their writing processes too harshly. Speech gives modalities that are unavailable to writing. Once it is understood that writing is a technology, comparisons to speech become limited. Writers benefit from realizing that they cannot blame themselves for the limitations of the system.

I chose this gif because it represents how things can be unnatural. Obviously, this is not how people look and can be perceived different in writing, than it can be in speech.

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