Blog Post 7

In the essay, Writing is Not Natural by Dylan Dryer wrote about how writing is not a natural thing but actually a technology created by man.  Dylan goes in depth how letters are just substitutes for certain sounds and these sounds are not particularly naturally the same for all cultures.  He continues to explain about how symbols are temporary and that they are not.  He explains how writing is not able to be perfected due to its imperfect nature.  The article shows that writing is not a natural thing showing life is not dependent on writing.  Through the article, writing is referred to as a technology and not a language.  Dylan explains that this technology is not perfect and it won’t be perfect due to technology not being able to be perfect.

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I chose this gif due to the amount of thought we have to do now for old writing such as Egyptian Hieroglyphics being like our writing now and it took us forever to understand this writing and now we are understanding our language and other people are not understanding non-native languages showing that if a group of people disappeared we would have no sort of way to really understand their language and writing.

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