Blog Post #7

Dylan B. Dryer’s article, “Writing Is Not Natural,” explores how writing should be viewed as a form of technology rather than a natural extension of speech. While speech is necessary and universally understood, writing is a learned skill involving translation through arrays and inscription. This written form of communication has only existed since 300 B.C. and is not universally familiar, as some languages lack a writing system. Writing encompasses various technologies like inscription, symbols, code, and arrays, serving as evidence of human activity. Many struggle with writing because of constant comparisons to speech, which limits emotional expression and clarity. Authors shouldn’t blame themselves for language complexities as misunderstandings can occur. Writers work to overcome these barriers, developing muscle memory for symbols and improving clarity in their writing, striving for the ease of understanding found in speech.

I chose this GIF because to me it represents how writing can be difficult and frustrating at times. In my summary I talked about how writing is something that many struggle with and here Bruce from the 2003 film “Bruce Almighty” is visibly struggling with his writing.

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