Blog post #6

The article Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices by John Duffy is about how we should make ethical choices when writing. Also we should make ethical choices as readers.

The 3 ethical responsibilities writers have that I chose are:

  • Fairness
  • Accuracy
  • Accountability

I chose these because I think we should always use these in writing and they are very important. One must be fair to both sides of the argument to reach more readers. Being accurate helps you to be more credible as a writer and gives your writing more value. I myself believe that holding yourself accountable should be something you do in writing and in life. You should take credit for what you have written whether others agree with you or not.

The 3 ethical responsibilities that readers have that I chose are:

  • Respectfulness
  • Open-mindedness
  • Goodwill

I chose respectfulness because I think that you should always be respectful when looking at or viewing something that someone has worked on. I chose open-mindedness because although sometimes you may not agree with something that someone has written you should always be open to the others’ point of view. I chose goodwill because even if you have a different opinion, it may benefit you and the writer to be friendly and helpful when giving your different opinion.



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