“Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices.” by John Duffy

In “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices”, John Duffy talks about how writing is forming relationships between the writer and the reader based on ethics. When writing, whether on purpose or not, writers are trying to build a relationship built on the information they use. Writers have to think about how they want to portray their messages, how the readers will react, and how to build a relationship with the reader. The readers also have to be open to the ideas of the writer, they have to see where they are coming from and try to see it that way to fully grasp the concept. For writers, they have to try and make sure that their writing is ethical, and can reach their audience in a way that they are aiming for.

  • What are three ethical responsibilities we have as writers?
    • Knowing what kind of writer we want to be.
    • Knowing what we need for our readers to be persuaded and informed.
    • Knowing what words would be best for readers to see and be influenced by through the writing.
  • What are three ethical responsibilities we have as readers?
    • Try to understand what is being communicated.
    • Read with respect, an open mind, and humility. Do not judge the writer without reading it through.
    • Try to understand the writer’s point of view; try to see their attempts at persuading you.

I chose these responsibilities for writers because in using them, we are ensuring that we are writing to the best of our ability for the readers. In the writing, it talks about how we are trying to build a relationship of trust and giving the readers everything they need to understand our point of view. We need to write with ethics, to make sure that our readers are understanding where we are coming from and what we want out of it. As readers, we have responsibilities as well because we want to read something to get something out of it. If we go into a reading, and are already prejudging, then we cannot get the full effect of the writer. The opinions shown in writing are meant to try and persuade us, we need to try and see that, to be able to communicate through the readings.

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