Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices

In “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” John Duffy discusses how writing is not only about conveying information but how it also involves ethical choices stemming from the relationship between the writer and the reader. When writing for others, writers propose a relationship with readers, addressing ethical questions about what kind of writer they want to be and how they should treat their audience.

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as writers?

  • Honesty
  • Accuracy
  • Fairness

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as readers?

  • Respect
  • Open-minded
  • Goodwill

I chose these ethical responsibilities because they are important. Writing with honesty and accuracy can earn respect and cause the reader to think critically. A reader that is respectful to the writer and is open-minded about the text they can learn more. It is important to make ethical choices when writing and reading because writing shapes relationships, and ethical choices determine whether these relationships are built on trust, mutual respect, or shared values.

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