” Writing Involves making Ethical Choices”

John Duffy’s article “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” provides a detailed exploration of the relationships between the writer and reader. In order to make their writing compelling, authors must decide how to present themselves. What form of communication they’re gonna carry out and comprehend to their target audience. Overall, readers’ ethical obligations are determined by the writer’s ethical obligations. 

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as writers?

  • Respect
  •  Honesty
  • Acknowledgement of diversity

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as readers?

  • Have an open Mind
  • Be respectful
  • Having goodwill

    Because it applies to both readers and writers, I chose respect. To encourage readers to read your work, writers must appreciate their audience. To take someone else’s work is plagiarism so it’s important to be honest in your work. Acknowledging diversity is also important, Writers need to understand that their readers might have different perspectives. John Duffy mentioned this by describing how it makes it simpler for the reader to relate to the writing. Readers must read with an open mind since doing so will enable them to perceive things from different angles.. When a reader has goodwill it helps them keep a sense of truth while they read.

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