Blog Post #6 – Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices

In the article “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” Johns Duffy explains how we perceive writing as an activity. Writing not only is done to list information, create message, argue, but it involves ethical choices relating writer and reader. No matter what type of writing is being performed there is always a way for it to be brought back to a bigger picture. When a piece of writing has ethics it provokes the reader to access their morals and human values, teaching them way more than say the statistic in the reading. Overall it creates a relationship with the reader and writer.

Ethical Responsibilities as a Writer:

  • honesty
  • accuracy
  • fairness

Ethical Responsibilities as a Reader:

  • respect
  • open-mindedness
  • humility

I chose these responsibilities for readers and writers because to me they each play an important role. If a writer writes with honesty, maybe about a tough topic, they would then earn the respect from the readers. If a writer displays accuracy it could potentially inform the reader of the opposing viewpoint to see the issue differently. If the writer shows fairness in their writing it can provide the reader to strive to be more humble. These responsibilities go hand in hand, they rely on each other to succeed. Ultimately allowing the reader to take what they have learned and apply the ethics in their life through decision making and human interaction.

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