Blog Post 6

In ‘Writing Involves Making Ethical Choicea” John Duffy talks about the importance of writing. It is very important that we express how we are feeling to our reader and communicate our feelings. There are many other things that are discussed in this essay.

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as writers?

  • Being honest
  • Being accurate
  • Being respectful

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as readers?

  • Being respectful of how we respond
  • Being open-minded
  • Having goodwill

I chose these responsinilities for readers and writers because they are important. For the writers, it is one important to be accurate with the facts you are putting into the essay. Also being honest with the facts you are putting into the essay. It is also important to be respectful in writing because we are writing to other people so being careful with the words we use is very important. For the readers we have to be respectful in the way we respond to the essay we are reading and no question is a dumb question. I think it is important that we use ethical choices in writing so we don’t hurt anyones feelings.

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