Blog Post #6

In “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” by John Duffy, it explains that writes need to have a better open mind when considering others when writing papers. Using ethical thinking will help us write better, connecting us to the readers with are feelings. Having the relationship with them will help make the paper more relatable, happy, and even being a little angry on the topic. But they would understand is way better.

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as writers?

  • Honest
  • Accurate
  • Respectful

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as readers?

  • Respectful
  • Support
  • Open-minded

I choose these responsibilities because I think they are very important. When writing a paper not being honest, accurate, and respectful can lead to someone not trusting your paper. It says in the article that, “Conversely, an informational or persuasive text that is unclear, inaccurate, or deliberately deceptive suggests a different attitude toward readers: one that is at best careless at worst contemptuous”. People would lose hope in your paper, they wouldn’t care as much. As a reader if you really want to learn something you have to be respectful, supportive, and open-minded. Finally, it’s important to be ethical in reading and writing sense it’s the best way of learning. Not be nice or not hearing other people opinions will only slow you down in the learning process.

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