Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices

Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices was written by John Duffy. This article talks about how we think about writing as an activity. Writing involves choices that arise from the relationship of the writer and reader. Writing involves ethical choices because when we write for others we propose a relationship. Questions that moral philosophers regard as ethical are the following: What kind of person do I want to be? How should I treat others? etc.. Saying that writing involves ethical choices is not to suggest that writers should be judged as ethical or unethical. Every text can be regarded as ethical or unethical based on it content. Writing involves ethical choices, creates a relationship with the reader and writer, and involves human values.

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as writers?

  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Integrity

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as readers?

  • Support
  • Respect
  • Trust

I chose respect for both categories because it goes both ways. As a writer you have to have respect for your audience so people will read your work. As a reader you have to respect the writers work even if you disagree. Honesty is important because stealing work from others is not ethical, it has to be your own. Integrity is important because it is having morals that you stand by and respect. As readers, support is important because if we are not support others work, then no one will support your work. Trust is also important because the writers are trusting us with their words, and we have to trust that it is accurate information.

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