Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment

In the article “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment,” the author explores the concept of habituated practice in writing. The main idea revolves around how repetitive writing practices can become automatic and deeply ingrained in a writer’s style. The author discusses how these habits can both aid and hinder a writer’s adaptability to different writing contexts. The article highlights on the idea that what we repeatedly practice can become a default mode of writing, for better or worse.

One writing skill that has become almost second nature to me is using proper grammar. Over the years, I’ve gotten into the habit using correct grammar and sentence structure when I write. This skill has developed through reading, writing and school studies. The advantage of this habit is that it ensures my writing is clear and easy to understand, which is crucial for communicating ideas. It also adds better quality to my written work. Having grammar skills is beneficial, but it can also restrict creativity.

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