Habituated Practice can Lead to Entrenchment – by Chris M. Anson

In the article Habituated Practice can Lead to Entrenchment – by Chris M. Anson he explains that a habitual practice can lead an individual to not succeed. For instance, if a person is taught how to write essays using a specific format, they will use what they know in future occurrences. If they were taught how to set up an essay in high school, they will use the same method to create a college essay which will not work, and they will fail.


A writing tool that has caused me to become entrenched would be how to set up and write an essay. I was taught a certain structure which I still go by that has taught me well but will not be able to help me as much later in college as writing gets harder and harder. Adding details is almost automatic for me, often times I end up adding more information and explanation then staying on topic of the point I am getting across. The essay writing has helped me as far as creating structure for my essays. It gives me a way to organize my essay without having to worry about screwing up. Some disadvantages are that I tend to add too much thought into my essay, and it get to the point where I second guess a lot of topics because they don’t have enough information, or they have too much information. To fix that I just pick a topic and go with the flow.


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