Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment

Habituated Practice Can Lead to Enrichment was written by Chris M. Anson. This writing is about how writers’ contexts are subjected to repeated the same processes and purposes. Repeated practice can lead to automaticity which is the process of retrieval of information that does not require conscious attention. An example used is shifting gears while driving. Habituation also explains struggles of more proficient writers when they have experienced writing the same genre for years and then having to adapt to another. Rhetorical awareness helps writers reflect on what they do in their writing to succeed. Using theories of situated cognition, writers will always have difficulty moving across rhetorical communities and must always learn anew in unfamiliar settings.

A writing skill that has become autonomic to me is writing in MLA format and using the acronym TIQA when writing paragraphs. I developed this skill because in high school every paper we wrote consisted of these two things, so it just became a habit. Advantages to this would be that in high school writing became an easy process after a while because of the repetitiveness. But a disadvantage would be that in college writing, you do not use the same formatting, so it is an adjustment and it takes a while to get used to. I think that habituated writing can be both good and bad for writers because it can make the process of writing easier, but it can also cause frustration and difficulty when you are in a new situation.

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