“Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment”

In the reading “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment” by Chris M. Anson’s main idea is how writers can become comfortable in a specific area of writing. Writers can repeat the same genres of writing if they are comfortable with them. Writers tend to use the same processes for rhetorical purposes and addressing the same readers. That means their writing can become entrenched by the same repetitive writing and not switching it up. When some writers are stuck and don’t know how to get out they use the pedagogical approach. Meaning it makes the writer create new writing situations to get out their normal groove. This reflection can help writers reflect on their writing and find out what they need to do to make their writing successful. Like all writing it needs reflections from other writers to get a different point of view. After that you can step back and revisit your writing and thoughts. Maybe even going back and re-reading and making sure your information is understandable.

The writing skill that has become entrenched for me is how I persuade someone. It has always been easy for me to persuade someone and in writing it’s much easier. You have the problem and then multiple solutions but if I think one solution is better than the other I can use my words and persuade them. I think it’s easier than in person because in writing you have to have step by step play and already know what you’re gonna say. This skill became automatic when I was in 9th grade. I did a lot of persuasive essays that year that I became used to. Having all sides of the problem or solution helps me persuade someone into what I’m thinking. The advantages of this skill would be easy for me to set up an essay and I always know what I’m arguing. My disadvantages would be focusing on too much of my own opinion and not enough facts. I think habituated practice and automatic skills are good for writers because it can give the writer a different way to look at writings. It can give that writer a different perspective and could ultimately make their writing even better.

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