Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment

In “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment ”, Chris M. Anson talked about how when you learn something, and it becomes a habit, it’s hard to break it and it can tend to make you fail later on. Something becomes so natural, you do it even when it’s not asked. Anson talked about different ways that things become habits; changing gears in a car or writing an essay. Things become so habitual, that you don’t even realize you’re doing it. Continuing practice on one thing, makes it harder to change it later in life. Writing essays in high school and then college have different rubrics, and if you stay the same, you can fall behind because you aren’t changing to better your work. 

A writing skill that has become entrenched for me is writing an outline before I write my essay. Even if it is not asked, I tend to write one or just write my ideas down, so I know what to talk about. Doing this, there’s no disadvantages, it really helps to figure out my essay. It helps me because I am able to see everything to talk about, and see how it needs to be formatted. Personally, I think that habituated practice depends on a certain writing skill. There are some that can be very helpful, and some that can cause me to fall behind because I can’t get out of doing it. Like just writing essays, and putting down information instead of forming a cohesive work that makes everything connect. In the end, I think that it can be both positive and negative. 

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