Blog Post #5

In the article “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Entrenchment” by Chris M Anson, she tells us that when you right something for so long it becomes a habit and can mess you up in the future. Having written the same types of papers for so long the exact same way, then switching to a different type of papers will be a serious struggle. This idea goes for lots of things in life, so you will need to experience more and try new things to get a broader understanding.

My current writing level is just confusing. During my middle school, and high school years they have taught me so many different types of writing. I cannot keep them strait. Maybe they are all similar, but I’m not that smart to figure out if it is. In a simpler way to answer. The basics of writing is very hard, sense I was taught so many different types. Some things I do remember must have intro, three body, and conclusion Paragraphs. In though three main paragraphs tell your audience your evidence. Intro is just telling the reader a small percent of what your paper is about. Conclusion is wrapping up your whole paper with though three body paragraphs. I would say these habits have been hurting me because we learn so many different types of writing in this class, that I just get confused.

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