Blog Post #5

In the article “Habituated Practice Can Lead to Enrichment” by Chris M. Anson describes when individuals constantly practice the same activity it becomes automatic. Writers that consistently learn to use a specific structure, format, and processes to create an essay will try and apply these to future essays. When having to learn to write something new resorting to habits can cause failure.

For me personally, I do not having any writing skills that are automatic. Throughout grade school I was always taught a different strategy such as ACES then the next year it would be something different. I was never able to practice skills for writing, it was and still is always guessing how. This has caused me to always struggle with essays, because it is very hard for me to learn new and complex ways to write when I barely know the basic skills of writing. I do not remember what ACES stands for unless I look it up online, I always have to go back and see how MLA or APA are set up. I think habitual and automatic skills can be very helpful for writers that do have them as they can automatically apply the style and possible structure needed without having to look up how. I often wish I had automatic skills in writing because maybe then I would be more confident in my writings.

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