Habituated practice can lead to entrenchment respond

In ‘Habituated practice can lead to entrenchment’, writer Chris Anton discusses how Habituated practices can lead to writers feeling stuck in a box. Not literally, but some writers write so much under the same format because of how natural it is to them that they feel like they can’t branch out. So they write in situations that they aren’t accustomed to in order to add new things to what they write.

Writing skills that have came automatic for me are always writing five sentences in a paragraph and reading everything I write in my head over and over again so it sounds right. I read my writing in my head as I go to double check all my punctuation and grammar and make sure it sounds right. The advantages of doing that are better punctuation throughout and having it be as clear as possible. the disadvantage is that mistakes may still get through, even if I do proof read as I go. Habituated practices are good for writers because although it makes writing repetitive at times, it always keeps them writer in check.

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