Writing adresses, invokes and/or creates audiences response

in ‘Writing Addresses, invokes, and/or creates audiences’, Andrea Lunsford discusses knowing an audience. With the addition of technology, digital writing has become a big thing. But when doing this, no one can actually be certain who the audience is. From a rhetorical standpoint this makes it more difficult for the writer because without knowing the audience it’s hard to cater to the audience.

Past writing experiences haven’t taught me much about writing to an audience. Whenever I’d write, I would usually just write as if the teacher is the only audience. This article taught me when I don’t know my audience while writing, to image audiences and not think so much of what they’ll think. Of course, getting positive feedback is great, but when we focus too much on others opinions when writing than it can make the writing seem less organized. Its important to just image the audience as people who are looking forward to reading about the topic you’re writing about.

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