Blog Post #4

Andrea Lunsford’s “Writing Addresses, Invokes, and/or Creates Audiences” is an in-depth information for what writing’s powers are when it comes to the any sort of writing. This also brings up the idea of the rhetorical triangle and how it effects the art of writing.  The article allows the writer to understand that the writing largely effects the audience and how many people are interested in your writing.  The idea of also finding audiences is random and unknown to some who write not focused on an audience and meaning that the reason you wrote your writing may not have been a large part of people who relate with you in the same situation but may be a whole different audience.  The ability of writing is the ability to change what is going on in the reader’s head through manipulating what wording they use. When all of this is defined it gives the ability of the writer to conduct who will read it.

I personally have a lot of information from the past on what to write for who, when I have this, I keep having this topic pop up again and again due to the importance of the audience in any writing.  When I was in school my focus was mostly on the teacher, but not all things were focused on the teacher.  For instance, when I wrote for a presentation, I would make sure I would focus on a general fact and not just one thing.  I started to notice that the teacher also wanted me to focus on an audience that was unknowing on the subject so that became my new focus for a lot of assignments.  I used this advice to help me focus on the future of my assignments and to allow my writing to improve.  I feel this writing mostly reinforced the thoughts I have had on the writing and how they can help improve everything.  I will focus on the future of my writing to be on people who don’t understand the subject too instead of just general people who know the subject and with this change I should be able to widen my range.

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