Writing Addresses, Invokes, and/or Creates Audiences- by Andrea A. Lunsford

In the Article ” Writing Addresses, Invokes, and/or Creates Audiences” by Andrea A Lunsford, explains that what the author writes is what creates the audience. In the article it explains different writers and their pieces and how those pieces in turn created an audience. Writing can be perceived in many different but either way you write it will create the ideal audience in which you were aiming to appeal to. If I was to write an article about love, then it would appeal to the ideal audience that wanted to hear about love or romance.

In past experiences I have written about certain topics pertaining to my interests and most of them were directed to a certain group of people. I now know that I can write what I want but it may also pertain to may audiences not just one audience, but the whole idea is that it pertains mostly to the people that I am trying to persuade, inform and so on so forth. I mostly assumed that the teacher was reading it, so I wrote it to the teacher. I feel like my past instruction really did not help me in terms of my audience it was more primarily based on the way that I wrote. I learned that when you write it will be perceived in many different ways but it will eventually hit your ideal audience.

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