Blog post #3

In, “Writing Expressed and Shares Meaning to be Reconstructed by the Reader,” Charles Bazerman mentions expression through writing. he says that expressing writing is easy because as the writer, you would understand and connect to the writing. However, as the reader, there could be misunderstandings due to the frame of reference from the reader. Bazerman also briefly talks about the evolution from a young writer to an advanced writer. Words start as simple and straightforward, but as you grow up those words can hold different meanings. This makes writing harder as you grow up and talk about large and complex ideas, rather than simple and easy to understand.

Often when texting, people won’t understand or it may not sound the same as what I intended. For example, after sending a text, my partner responded an hour later, to which I responded with, “A little late.” This comment could have been seen as a joke, or something serious, as if I was mad. These things can be avoided by adding more communication channels, or improved writing to make the comment seem like a joke.


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