“Writing Expressed and Shares Meaning to Be Reconstructed by the Reader” – Blog Post 3

In “Writing Expressed and Shares Meaning to Be Reconstructed by the Reader”, Charles Bazerman talks about how writing is meant to show feelings, desires, emotions, and everything a person feels inside. Bazerman also talked about the idea that writers start young, learning the basics, then as they grow their writing becomes more complex. Ideas that come from meaning are based on how the reader can view them, also with how the writer and reader can connect them together. As a reader, you can take what the writer said, and be able to understand it by only what is given or talked about, while the writer knows internally exactly what they mean without it. When writers starts at a young age and grows to develop better writings, the meaning behind each and every word also changes and can become more complex. Writers also are worried throughout their stories that people won’t be able to grasp them in the same way, and find the faults with the writers feelings.

A time that my writing didn’t have the intended effect was when I wrote a story about my grandma for college application essays. I wanted people around me to see the hardship I had to go through, but instead they saw my experience and focused on what I did to change my pain into motivation. At first I thought my story wasn’t meaningful enough, but it really was just that the audience didn’t feel my same pain at the time. I know that for the future, my ideas are not always going to match up with someone else. I also have to know for them to understand everything, it has to be in a full detail plus showing true emotion with my writing. It is important for writers to know that not everyone will perceive it the same way as we intend because if we were to always see the negative effect of our writing, it will never be great for others to read it and it might discourage them from writing an even better story. It can also show that we do not always have the right audience, but that is okay due to the fact that everyone has different experiences and ideas of how life goes.

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