“Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning to be Reconstructed by the Reader”

Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning to be Reconstructed by the Reader- By Charles Bazerman

In the article the author explains the way that writing has meaning whether that is through communication, words, texts, phrases, anything that can get the reader’s attention in regard to the writings meaning.  The author explains that lots can be learned throughout reading an article and its writing. It creates new forms of communication, ways to interpret texts, new ideas being sparked everything that would display the writings meaning.


As a writer if a piece does not go the way that I want it to or intended for it to go I change it. How would I change it I would get feedback from others as to what needed to be changed, what needed to be added what didn’t they understand, what I can help them understand. I would ask all of those questions and then when I published a new article, I would make sure that it was just a little bit better if not a lot better than the last one. I would feel down about it, but it would in turn motivate me to move further with it and continue further into my writing. Nobody is going to think the exact same way as another person we all interpret text differently, as a writer I would generalize my topic into a version that can not only be understood but comprehended about the same as I intended. Like how Bazerman says ” While writers can confirm that the written words feel consistent with their state of mind, readers can never read the writers mind to confirm that they fully share that state of mind.” (Bazerman Pg 22)

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