Scholar Writing


In the article “All Writers Have More To Learn” by Charles Bazerman, the main idea is to explain to future writers that they have to be more precise with the words they choose for their writing. The writer has to make sure the reader understands what’s going on because the reader cannot read the writer’s mind. You have to explain in every detail what’s going on and who’s in the story. Express the emotions going on, what’s happening in the background be more descriptive. Make sure to get feedback while your writing because it might make sense to you but to someone else you could be missing key factors. He explains how texting can alter the tone you are trying to set, might not come across so clearly to the receiver. For example, if I told my sister I’m coming over this weekend but she takes “weekend” as Saturday and Sunday. But I take it as Friday and Saturday, the miscommunication will put us in a weird and angry spot. She wasn’t ready for me to come over Friday because I didn’t explain what day’s I was coming. Meaning with any writing you need to be clear and explain details of what’s happening to make sure plans are right

2.) Personal Response

One time I wrote a text to my mom saying “I’ll be staying late at DJ’s tonight we are playing video games.” My mom replied “okay but remember to take the trash out tonight.” I said “I told you I was going to.” In my tone I was just restating what I told her and that I remembered. But my mom took it to say I was being snotty and told me to come home now. This made me feel upset, I didn’t mean for it to sound like that but I also got angry because I didn’t need to come home right then. This is a perfect explanation why writers need to understand that readers cannot magically understand what you’re saying. If I had put into different words that I remembered and would do that when I got home she wouldn’t have gotten mad. Texting through phones is harder to hear the tone of voice you are trying to give off. This argument could have never happened if I explained better.

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