blog post #3

Charles bazerman

“Writing expresses and shares meaning to be reconstructed by the reader”

In”Writing expresses and shares meaning to be reconstructed by the reader”, author Charles Bazerman argues that writing can always be seen differently by the reader. How writers often write with a strong message they want to audiences to see and think that audiences will notice them no matter what. Bazerman believes other wise because not everyone thinks the same. Readers can only control how they interpret what’s written, not how it should be interpreted.

Although I haven’t had a specific time where somebody didn’t understand my reading how intended to, there have been times people couldn’t understand the points I was making; I’d often make the mistake of putting 2 different points in the same paragraph and mixing them. how I fixed this was by reading through my passage slower and pin pointing every subject change, so I can organize them in a way where they feel natural. It’s important to understand that readers reconstruct writing because every one has a different perspective; Their opinions on other things may affect how they read.

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