Blog post #3

In the text “Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning to Be Reconstructed by the Reader” by Charles Bazerman, he argues that although a piece of writing can be the immediate emotions of the writers themselves, it is often misinterpreted by the reader, who will then take it in their own way based on their own experiences. He also explains that with age, your writing will begin to enhance and be perceived by readers in wider volumes, since you will go through more and more experiences. Bazerman forms the view that writing contains a lot of emotion, and through time, writers begin to take their audience’s experience into account more in order to convey the emotions that they want others to experience.

Once, I wrote out an intended text message that was to be perceived as lighthearted and friendly, although instead, it was taken as mean and cold hearted due to the lack of enthusiastic punctuation. After this experience, it made me more cautious about how I want my tone to be perceived. I was more aware of the different punctuation I used and the vocabulary that I chose. It is important that writers know the value of readers reconstructing their intended meaning, because it can turn an upbeat tone into a somber one or vice versa. Overall, it can change the whole meaning of a passage.

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