Writing is a social and rhetorical activity-blog post #2

In Kevin Roozen’s article, “Writing Is a Social and Rhetorical Activity”, he stands by the approach that writing is more than just words on a paper and that it actually connects people from everywhere whether we as writers recognize it or not. He advocates this because writing is always attempting to fit the needs of an audience even if that audience is simply just yourself. People do this by taking the ideas and inspirations of other people which spirals us back to the point that writing connects people more than it’s thought to.

This week in my psychology class, I wrote a research paper on topics that we were required to study. This paper required me to interview and discuss different ideas with five other people. This directly hits the point that writing is a social activity. In doing this requirement, I was meeting the standards of my audience, aka professor, based on what she wanted to hear. This not only made me engage with others by demand, but it also made me engage by choice as I had others proofread my writing to make sure it was as sound as possible for my said audience. In the text, Kevin Roozen says, “In working to accomplish their purposes and address an audience’s needs, writers draw upon many other people.” This quote demonstrates the point that for successful writing, it typically falls on being a heavy social and rhetorical activity.

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