“Writing Is a Social and Rhetorical Activity”

In Kevin Roozen’s, “Writing Is a Social and Rhetorical Activity,” he talks about the conscious and subconscious connections with a specific audience. Writers can reach specific audiences by connecting with other people who are either part of the audience, or have studied the desired audience. Though writers may seem alone, they are not. Writers have to connect to their audience, think like one one they are not, act like someone they are not.

This week I wrote a class plan for my fexability and conditioning class. I wrote the plan for myself as a guide to what I would be teaching. The plan may not provide a lot of information, but it is all I need to teach. I am connecting to others by using the plan to coach and talk to my students about different muscles and how to train specific muscles. Part of the lesson plan included, “Start the class by explaining the major muscles groups for the femoral region,” for someone that may have taught the class other then me this would be good to know, and a plan for the day would be nice to have. It is important that we can successfully write in a rhetorical nature so that people can understand what the writers have to say. 


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