Writing is a social and rhetorical activity


  1. In the article ‘Writing is a social and rhetorical activity’, author Kevin Roozen explains how social writing is. He then mode explains how that whenever a writer is writing, they are aiming it toward a certain demographic. He also highlights how writing is as much a rhetorical activity as it is social, due to writers needing to use the right words and phrases when trying to persuade an audience

2. Last week I wrote a letter to my 13 year old self giving advice for an assignment In my writing class. This was a very social activity because when writing it, I had to direct as if im talking to a less mature, less experienced, and younger version of myself. This was difficult as I had to imagine it like I was writing a letter to a 13 year old. This is rhetorical too as I had to write it in a way where my younger self could comprehend and apply it to life.


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