Writing Is a Social and Rhetorical Activity – Blog Post 2

In Writing Is a Social and Rhetorical Activity, by Kevin Roozen, he talked about the ways that the simplicity of writing down a note or email is for yourself and also others around you. There is a connection between writers and readers. Reminders to yourself are also a way of rhetorical activity. Some people don’t realize it, but everything they do is a connection with something other than just themselves. Also with this type of writing, understanding the different parts would help you write better to an audience so others can comprehend the written information. Rhetorical writing can be used in different ways and in different forms, text, email, or essay writing.

In the last week, I wrote down my class to-do list. This can be considered social activity and rhetorical writing because not only is it for me, but also it makes it so I can turn my assignments in for others. If it was just for me, I am using it to better myself and keep hold of my tasks, as I go through them. It is important to understand these types of writing because you are able to comprehend the benefits of it and the way to write things out. Since I am able to write out a list, I am writing for myself and others in a way that is best suitable for me to accomplish my goals and assignments on other’s time schedules. These are just very important skills to know, especially to help the audience and readers of an actual piece of writing for later in the future.

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