Blog Post #2

Writing Is a Social and Rhetorical Activity by Kevin Roozen

We use social activity in writing when we write emails, notes, and reports. Us writing though types of things connect us to people. Also note that we Rhetorical activity in writing. We usually do not know that we are writing rhetorical. For example, Kevin, puts in an example of writing a birthday card to your daughter, showing you love her. Rhetorical means that you write something with important meaning or lift someone up. Writing is meant to help with people’s needs.

I wrote an email to my band director. I was letting him know that I will not be attending some of the events in the future due to a wedding in Texas. Writing is a social activity because when I write this email, I write it because it’s important. He needs to know both of the dates I will not be attending. Are band is not that big, so I play an important role for the band. Roozen said that “in fact, writing can never be anything but a social and rhetorical act, connecting us to other people across time and space in an attempt to respond adequately to the needs of an audience.” So, me just responding to my Band director will be a social and rhetorical act. Sense its important dates and will help him in the future knowing I won’t be there.  It’s important to know social and rhetorical writing because we use it in are day to day life. Like Kevin said, we do it unconsciously sometimes.


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