Writing is a Social and Rhetorical activity

In Kevin Roozen’s article Writing Is a Social and Rhetorical Activity,” his main idea is to get people to understand that rhetoric is used every day in writing to communicate with and to an audience. In the article, Kevin mentions that countless people write different things every day, and each one has their own goal or purpose they want to get across to their audience. He states that writing can only be social and uses multiple examples to back up his opinion. For instance, when he talks about how a pharmacy company provides details to patients on their medications, like how many dosages they need to take and if there are any side effects they need to worry about or not, The author points this out to help support the fact that all writing has a purpose and an audience. Kevin also relays that writers always stem from the ideas and experiences of others.

Once, I wrote to my girlfriend, telling her that I was having a bad day and just wanted to be left alone. Looking back at it, it now makes me agree that writing is a social activity because I had to clarify that she wasn’t the problem. Making sure she understood where I was coming from and explaining to her that she was nowhere near the reason for my irritation was me using rhetorical language in my writing. Using social and rhetorical activity in your writing will help you understand and communicate better with your audience, as I did with my girlfriend.

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