How to Make a Piece of Writing Good

Grading and assessing writing can be perceived in different ways. People describe different forms of writing as good compared to others. There is also a way to know if it’s a good piece of writing, even without explanation. To try and describe a piece of writing is to use certain qualities; clear, concise, correct, and compelling. Clear means to make sure the reader can understand the passage, with structure, sequence, and correct grammar. Also means no errors in the writing so no one can get confused. Concise means not making something too long, and using as little of unnecessary words as possible. Using only necessary words to get a direct point across, as well as leaving out useless words. Writers should also leave out information that doesn’t help or correspond with their main point. Correct, to put it short, needs to include only truthful and accurate information. With accurate facts, we also need to correctly represent the information with reasoning. The last quality is compelling. To be compelling means writing is intriguing. A piece of writing that can challenge the mind or make you look at something in a new way is a good piece of writing. All of these qualifications make up a good piece of writing.

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