Blog Post #1

From this weeks chapter reading, “What Do We Mean by ‘Good Writing'”?, it is mentioned that most of the time we can’t really explain what ‘good writing’ is, we just label things as a ‘good writing’ piece. I found this exceptionally true because I’ve never really heard a detailed explanation as to what ‘good writing’ is. It seemed all throughout school even, just examples of well done essays would be displayed but never really explained. With that being said, I found this weeks reading very interesting. I’ve learned that ‘good writing’ needs to be clear, concise, correct and compelling. To be clear, the writer pays attention when writing and double-checks their work. To be concise, writers don’t have long, drawn out sentences with information that is not related to the topic. To be correct, the writer doesn’t make factual errors and provides the reader with correct information. Finally, compelling, the writer keeps the reader interested by how they’ve written their work. These four ‘good writing’ ideas to keep in mind will be helpful for my future essays and writing pieces. As I explained before, this chapter was especially interesting and useful for me because it has never really been explained what ‘good writing’ looks like, in detail.

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