Reflection on “What Do We Mean by ‘Good Writing'”?

The phrase “I know it when I see it” is something I often hear when referring to a tangible item not necessarily something that is viewed. As I read this book chapter it noted on  qualities writing should include. That being, clear, concise, correct, and compelling. From previous writing knowledge correct and clear where two qualities I am familiar with. Qualities new to me where concise and compelling. Concise writing mainly meaning using precise words to make your point while using as few as words possible so there is no room for confusion. I’ve always figured that the more lengthy an explanation is, the better the writing is. Now understanding this is not always the case is key to demonstrating concise writing. Compelling writing is seen as drawing the readers attention and giving them a reason to pay attention. In past writing of mine this could be seen in rare cases right at the beginning of my work. What I took away from this section in the chapter is to not only grab the readers attention but to continuously reach for their attention through the entirety of the writing. Closing on the reading it became clear to me that with those 4 qualities included in any writing it would allow the reader to have the moment of  ” I know it when they see it”.

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